Savannah’s Southern Hospitality

The dynamic duo of Beth Favrot and Catherine Freeman did it again! This pair planned a Savannah Visiting Gardens trip that delighted the senses and sensibilities. 

With the help of former Savannah resident Sara Gaines and the tremendous hospitality of the Trustees Garden Club, Beth and Catherine put together a trip that introduced Town Gardeners to Savannah’s historic city center and included a day exploring nearby islands and the expansive Wormsloe Plantation on land first granted by the English king to protect Savannah from the threat of invading Spaniards from Florida in the south. 

Historic stops in town included the Andrew Lowe House, where the Girl Scouts in the group paid homage to founder Juliette Gordon Lowe. Everywhere we looked was another of Savannah’s lush, green squares, and the walkability of Savannah allowed us to stroll under the oaks to dinner or for quick shopping excursions between scheduled activities. 

Trustees Garden Club is looking for-ward to their centennial in 2026, and a visit to their projects in Forsyth Park and planned anniversary project had a few of us thinking of our own future here in New Orleans. 

Town Gardeners returned to New Orleans with visions of custom greenhouses and island living in their heads….and wondering where we will go next!