- Recycle – Less than 14% of plastic packaging is recycled.
- Go on a Plastics Diet – 90% of the plastic items in our daily lives are used once.
- Ban the Bags – Urge officials to follow the lead of over 150 cities and counties by passing legislation to ban the use of plastic bags or impose a use-fee per bag.
- Stop Buying Water in Plastic Bottles – Close to 20 billion water bottles are tossed into the trash each year.
- Buy in Bulk – Consider the product-to-packaging ratio of items you buy. Single serving containers and travel size toiletries use decidedly more plastic.
- Cook More – It’s healthier and cooking at home eliminates plastic & styrofoam takeout containers, plastic bags, plastic cutlery, and small plastic condiment containers.
- Bring your own Garment Bag to the cleaners – Invest in a zippered fabric bag and request that your cleaned items be returned in it instead of plastic.
- Consumer Rights – Contact corporations and ask them to use less plastic packaging and more recyclable containers.
- Get the word out – Tell your friends and community about ways to cut back on the growing use of plastics. It can make a BIG difference for our oceans.
Personal actions you can take to reduce your use of plastics