How to Get Started Growing Without Gunk

In the article How to Get Started Growing Without Gunk, the GCA gives recommendations on how to control weeds naturally in your yard. The method depends on the weed, where it is, and how widespread the scope of the problem is. The information below is excerpted from that article:

Out compete themIn general, the best way to get a jump on weeds is to out compete them. Native plants will flourish in your garden bed and make it really easy to weed. A thick, healthy lawn will shade weed seed so that it is much less likely to germinate. 
Hand weedingIn garden beds regular hand weeding is the best bet. 
Mow them downIn a field that we don’t usually mow until late September so that it provides habitat to local birds and pollinators, there are some years we have had to mow early and regularly because bittersweet was pop-ping up, and it was too tough to pull all of it out. Mowing it solves the problem, and we can usually let the field grow the following year. 
Mechanical weeding, with a little helpSome things are easy to just pull out. For deeper roots mechanical weeding with a Fiskar UpRoot Weed and Root Remover 7870, or an Uprooter often works well. Both work best if the ground is a little moist. 
Solarize with plasticCover the weeds with plastic. Some people recommend black because it retains heat and hotter is more effective at killing weeds, some recommend clear because it encourages weed seeds to germinate and then kills them. This actually works on Phragmites. 
VinegarHorticultural Vinegar is 20% acetic acid, much stronger than table vinegar, but the same basic stuff. It is great for weeds on driveways and patios. For substantial invasive plants you will have to treat them repeatedly because it does not kill the roots. However, repeatedly killing the top of the plant prevents it from photosynthesizing and it will eventually die. This is true for killing turf, too. 
Citrus oilWorks just like vinegar, but is an oil. 
Weed torchIf you learn how to correctly use a weed torch it is a great tool. If you use it after a rain when the plants are wet it will cause the water in the roots to boil and kill the roots. For substantial weeds you will need to cut them back before you use the weed torch on the stump. Also, you really need to learn what you are doing and be very careful not to cause a fire. Don’t try this on phragmites, however, because fire spreads phragmites. 
Boiling waterOn my brick patio boiling water works well. You have to be careful not to use it on bluestone or other stones that can crack with heat. 
BiologicsBiologics, such as lady bugs, are wonderful, but very pest-specific. And of course, you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where there are unintended consequences. So keep it pretty simple. Here is a great link about how to get rid of purple loosestrife. #9 on their list of 10 is biologic controls.