
The majority of land in the United States is owned by private citizens like us and together we can make a real difference. Studies have shown that even very small amounts of pesticides, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals in our water can adversely impact human health.


Rooted within the core of The Garden Club of America purpose, horticulture stimulates knowledge and a love of gardening through lectures, demonstrations, meetings, projects, and by disseminating horticultural information to GCA member clubs and the general public.

Floral Design

Floral Design

Floral design promotes interest and educates members regardless of expertise and experience. Its purpose is to encourage members to participate in floral design activities and flower shows. Twice a year, NOTG members design and create two massive floral arrangements in the New Orleans Museum of Art’s urns.

Founder's Fund Popp's Fountain Clean-Up

Founder’s Fund Clean Up

Every month, The NOTG joins Garden Study Club members to tidy up our Founders Fund area at Popp’s Fountain in City Park. Built in 1937, Popp's Fountain is a popular host to special events.

Freeman Horticulture Medal

Awarded by The Garden Club of America to a North American native plant worthy of special recognition, this medal strives to encourage the cultivation of underutilized native trees, shrubs, ground covers, vines and perennials in the landscape, to make them familiar to gardeners, and to become more available in nurseries.

Partners for Plants

Facilitates projects between local GCA clubs and land managers on federal, state, local and other significant public lands. Projects may include the monitoring and protection of rare, endangered and medicinal plants, the propagation and replanting of native plants and the removal of invasive plants.



In 1998, members started the PropaGators gardening class, which laid the foundation for the nationally acclaimed Edible Schoolyard New Orleans from its modest club birth. The program now serves six inner-city public charter schools with gardening, cooking and nutrition education: “Changing the way kids eat, learn and live in New Orleans.” PropaGators is a hands-on horticulture program that teaches children how to plant and maintain a garden. The purpose of this hands-on community outreach is to support and help cultivate a love of gardening and knowledge of a healthier and sustainable lifestyle through gardening. The club host field days that include weeding and preparing garden beds, as well as maintaining compost areas. Grants have been awarded to aid the schools for their garden needs. PropaGators was trademarked in 2005 and then recertified in 2011.